Financial Transactions- |
If you make any financial transactions on www. peppergroup.in , including paying for membership fees, advertising banners, product placements, products or services or any other promotional campaign on our website www. peppergroup.in you may be asked for credit card or other payment information. You agree to provide accurate, complete and current information and that you will pay all charges owed, including any applicable taxes. You also agree that you are solely responsible for any personal income reporting and tax payments required of you by applicable government authorities. |
Terms of Use |
Peppergroup in reserves the right to modify and/or change anything on this web-site at any time, without giving any prior notice or reason whatsoever.
Pepper Advisory reserves the right to modify/revise the rates, technical specifications without prior notice, accept/reject or discontinue advertisement banners without assigning any reason whatsoever.
For all the calculators on our site we verify the accuracy of calculations pertaining to Metric and English measure of area up to two decimals. However, as several versions of the regional units exist in the sub-continent, we suggest users undertake a sample calculation to establish consonance between their unit measure and that used in our calculator.
Peppergroup.in does not share the personal information that it collects from its users, with any third party. |
Peppergroup in is not obliged to ensure that the Web site is available to all users at all times. While we make all attempts to deny access only to those individuals who violate our regulations, we are occasionally forced to use access denial methods that cause a disruption in access for other users. peppergroup.in is not responsible for a loss of access to www.peppergroup.in services due to failure of networks connected to the Internet, or any other temporary hardware or software failure.
peppergroup.in reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice.
Membership/s– |
When you register as member on www.peppergroup.in , you accept the following terms and conditions: |
You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information as required in the registration form. |
You agree that you would not register duplicate membership accounts through different login, any duplicate accounts which come under notice of www.peppergroup.in may be inactivated immediately and no refund would be made for any charges paid for any such account/s (duplicate membership refers to creating multiple login account under free trial membership by an individual/ company).
You agree to maintain and promptly update the Registration Data as necessary to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
Any membership accounts on which peppergroup.in has reasonable grounds to suspect that user's information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we may suspend or terminate that user's account and prohibit any and all current or future use of the peppergroup.in Sites (or any portion thereof) by that user. |
Any property details posted on our database on which the information is considered untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete may be inactivated/ rectified by our team with our without informing the member. |
Each user is wholly responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of account login and password information and for all activities occurring there under. Pepper Advisory cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from a user's failure to comply with this, including any loss or damage arising from any user's failure to: (1) immediately notify peppergroup.in of any unauthorized use of his or her password or account or any other breach of security; and (2) ensure that he or she exits (Log Out) from his or her account at the end of each session. |